Credit Repair Business Secrets

Build a Million Dollar Business that Pays for Itself!

Episode Summary

Join us to hear how one of our credit heroes was able to turn her life around with credit repair!

Episode Notes

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How can you go from being overworked, stressed out, and under financial difficulty…

To own a credit repair business and become part of our Millionaires Club in under two years?!

That’s exactly what today’s episode guest did! Robin Sobomehin has been able to start and scale her credit repair business while in the global pandemic!

Robin was stuck at her old dead-end job that she hated… having a three-hour commute with no visions or advancement for the future…

She knew something had to change… so she decided she wanted to take on her dream of owning a business and launched her credit repair business!

Fast forward to today, Robin has been extremely successful with her business and is now a proud member of our millionaire’s club.

She’s going to unveil exactly how she did it, what she wishes she knew at the beginning, and offer some priceless advice to newbie biz owners.

Make sure you check it out!

Key Takeaways:

Additional Resources:

- Get a free trial to Credit Repair Cloud

- Get my free credit repair training 

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