Credit Repair Business Secrets

How to Pay Your Credit Card Bills Strategically to BOOST Your Credit Score!

Episode Summary

In this episode, I explain the different dates on your credit card statement and share the best strategy to pay them off and raise your credit score.

Episode Notes

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Did you know that you can boost your credit score by paying your credit card bills strategically? 

It's true! How you handle paying your credit card bills impacts your score more than any other factor. That’s why today, I will reveal the best strategy to game the system and improve your score just by paying your bills on certain days. 

It goes beyond just paying your bills on time, and this might be one of the more effortless ways to raise your credit score. So, you better stick around!

Key Takeaways:

Additional Resources:

- Get a free trial to Credit Repair Cloud

- Get my free credit repair training  

- The Ultimate Guide to Credit-Builder Loans! 

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